Product News | Autonics india
NEWTemperature Controllers TN Series2022.10.05
[ 2022.10.05 ]
Temperature Controllers TN Series has been released.
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DISCONTINUEDRelay Terminal Blocks ABS-S01PH Series2022.09.08
NEWLiDAR LSC Series2022.06.22
[ 2022.06.22 ]
LiDAR LSC Series has been released.
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NEWPhotomicro Sensors with Built-In Connector BS4 Series2022.06.08
[ 2022.06.08 ]
Photomicro Sensors with Built-In Connector BS4 Series has been released.
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NEWMulti-channel Power Controllers SPRM Series2022.06.08
[ 2022.06.08 ]
Multi-channel Power Controllers SPRM Series has been released.
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NEWU-shaped Magnetic Proximity Sensors MU Series2022.04.06
[ 2022.04.06 ]
U-shaped Magnetic Proximity Sensors MU Series has been released.
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UPGRADEDigital Week/Year Timers LE7M-2 Series2022.02.23
[ 2022.02.23 ]
Digital Week/Year Timers LE7M-2 Series has been upgraded.
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LINEUPLong-Distance Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensors PRD Series2022.02.23
[ 2022.02.23 ]
Long-Distance Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensors PRD Series have been added to the line-up.
※ Details : IO-Link communication models
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NEWRemote I/O Boxes ADIO Series2022.02.23
[ 2022.02.23 ]
Remote I/O Boxes ADIO Series has been released.
※ Details : EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, ProfiNet