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MD2U-MD20 - 2-Phase Stepper Motor Drivers

model * Image may differ


  • Operation method : Unipolar constant current drive
  • Applied Motor : 2-phase stepper motor
  • Resolution : FULL STEP(1-division), HALF STEP(2-division), Micro STEP(4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20-division)
  • Power supply : 24-35VDC
  • Max. Run Current : 2A/Phase
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Data sheet
Operation method Unipolar constant current drive
Applied Motor 2-phase stepper motor
Resolution FULL STEP(1-division), HALF STEP(2-division), Micro STEP(4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20-division)
Power supply 24-35VDC
Max. Run Current 2A/Phase
Max. Current Consumption 3A
Number Of Axes 1-axis
Input pulse characteristic_pulse width Min. 10㎲(CW, CCW), Min. 1ms(HOLD OFF)
Input pulse characteristic_Duty Rate 50%(CW, CCW)
Input pulse characteristic_Rising/Falling time Max. 0.5㎲(CW, CCW)
Input pulse characteristic_Pulse input voltage [H]: 4-8VDC , [L]: 0-0.5VDC
Input pulse characteristic_pulse input current 4mA(CW, CCW), 10mA(HOLD OFF)
Input pulse characteristic_Max. input pulse freq Max. 50kHz(CW, CCW)
Environment_Ambient temperature 0 to 50℃, storage: -10 to 60℃
Environment_Ambient humidity 35 to 85% RH, storage: 35 to 85% RH
Weight Approx. 295g(approx. 180g)

※Since torque characteristics are improved but the driver temperature rises with the 30VDC power supply, the driver should be installed at the well ventilated environment. Torque is variable by power supply.
※Max. current consumption: Based on the ambient temperature 25℃, ambient humidity 55%RH.
※RUN current varies depending on the input RUN frequency, and the max. instantaneous RUN current varies also.
※Max. input pulse frequency is max. frequency to be input and is not same as max. pull-out frequency or max. slewing frequency.
※The weight includes packaging. The weight in parenthesis is for unit only.
※Environment resistance is rated at no freezing or condensation.

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