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TPS30-G3DVG4-00 - Pemancar Tekanan Stainless Steel

model *Gambar mungkin dapat berbeda


  • Material yang diukur : Liquid, gas, oil (lnappropriate to corrosion environment for stainless steel 316L)
  • Catu daya : 8-36VDC (ripple P-P: max. 10%)
  • Akurasi : Max. ±0.5% F.S. (including linearity, hysteresis, reproducibility)
  • Linearitas : Max. ±0.2% F.S.
  • Histeresis : Max. ±0.2% F.S.
  • Lingkungan_kadar suhu : -40 hingga 125℃, ruang tertutup: -40 hingga 125℃
  • Tingkat proteksi : IP67(standar IEC)
  • Tipe koneksi : M12 connector type
  • Spesifikasi output : Output tegangan (1-5VDC )
certmark certmark certmark

Data sheet Cetak

Data sheet
Material yang diukur Liquid, gas, oil (lnappropriate to corrosion environment for stainless steel 316L)
Catu daya 8-36VDC (ripple P-P: max. 10%)
Akurasi Max. ±0.5% F.S. (including linearity, hysteresis, reproducibility)
Linearitas Max. ±0.2% F.S.
Histeresis Max. ±0.2% F.S.
Lingkungan_kadar suhu -40 hingga 125℃, ruang tertutup: -40 hingga 125℃
Lingkungan_kadar kelembaban 35 ~ 85%RH, ruang tertutup: 35 ~ 85%RH
Lingkungan_suhu fluida -40 to 125℃
Tingkat proteksi IP67(standar IEC)
Material Stainless steel 316L (head part of head type: aluminium diecasting), connector: Polybutylene terephthalate G30,
water-proof rubber: silicon
Tekanan pengukuran Gauge pressure
Tipe koneksi M12 connector type
Kisaran tekanan 0 to 50Mpa
Berat Kurang lebih 130g (kurang lebih 50g)
Spesifikasi output Output tegangan (1-5VDC )
Port tekanan G1/4(PF)(EN837)

※G1/4 is the standard pressure port. For the other pressure ranges, G3/8, R1/2 are standard pressure ports.
※The option ports are sold separately. In case of large amount ordering, contact the Autonics for manufacturing the requested pressure port.
※Option(connector cable): Only for M12 connector type.
※Write the desired pressure range and it is the default of user pressure range. (select "Z" at Pressure range)
※The weight includes packaging. The weight in parenthesis is for unit only.
※Environment resistance is rated at no freezing or condensation.

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