Seri VC - Smart Camera Monokrom 5M
Seri VC Smart Camera Monokrom 5M
Smart camera monokrom 5M seri VC menggunakan pengambilan gambar dengan lensa kamera yang telah terintegrasi untuk menentukan kode, OCR/OCV, pola, garis, kehadiran, ukuran, bentuk, dan lainnya dari objek target. Kamera ini juga menggunakan metode global shutter untuk menangkap gambar yang akurat, dan sensornya memiliki 14 fungsi inspeksi yang penting untuk beragam aplikasi. Seri VC juga dioptimalkan untuk disipasi panas untuk memastikan pengoperasian yang andal dan masa pakai yang panjang.
Pharmaceutical Drugs Packaging
Vision sensors are used to identify the number of pills, presence or absence of pills, or defects in packaging of pharmaceutical drugs.
Beverage Container Transport Coveyors
Vision sensors are used to identify the presence of expiration date printing on packages on beverage packaging lines.
Manufaktur Suku Cadang Mobil
Kamera pintar digunakan untuk mengukur diameter blok mesin di jalur manufaktur.
Manufaktur Wadah Plastik
Kamera Pintar digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk wadah plastik di lini produksi.
Cosmetic Container Transport Conveyors
Vision sensors are used to identify the printing status on cosmetics containers.
Syringe Assembly and Manufacturing
Vision sensors are used to identify presence, absence, or defects of rubber packaing in syringes during manufacturing process.
Semiconductor Parts Transport
Vision sensors are used to identify the presence or absence of parts for defects during semiconductor transfer lines.
Packaged Food Transport Conveyors
Vision sensors are used to identify the sealing status of food containers on conveyor belts.
Packaging Industry
Vision sensors used to identify the number of items in containers in packaging lines.
Inkjet Markers
Vision sensors are used to identify the printing status of marks on packaging paper from inkjet markers.
Packaged Goods Transport Conveyors
Vision sensors are used to identify the size of boxes on shipping conveyor belts.
Automobile Parts Manufacturing
Vision sensors are used to identify the shape of automotive parts (spark plugs) in manufacturing lines.
Automobile Parts Manufacturing
Vision sensors are used to identify the shape of automotive parts (wheels) in manufacturing lines.
Monitor Assembly & Production
Vision sensors are used to identify the molding status of monitors including number of holes, size, etc.
Automobile Door Press Machines
Vision sensors are used to inspect the shape of automobile doors during manufacturing process.
bahan PR
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