A63K-G5913 - 5相步進馬達(軸類型)
數據表 列印
基本步進角[全/半] | 0.72º/0.36º |
最大保持扭矩 | 63kgf.cm |
轉子慣性力矩 | 4000g·cm² |
繞線電阻 | 0.86Ω |
額定電流 | 2.8A/相 |
馬達長度 | 128mm |
軸類型 | 單軸 |
接線方式 | 五角形 |
防護等級 | IP30 |
電磁煞車-額定勵磁電壓 | 24VDC |
電磁煞車-額定勵磁電流 | 0.62A |
電磁煞車_靜態摩擦扭矩 | 40kgf.cm |
電磁煞車_轉子慣性扭矩 | 153×10-7kgf.cm² |
電磁煞車-B型煞車 | 通電:煞車解除,斷電:煞車運行 |
電磁煞車-動作時間 | Max. 60ms |
電磁煞車-釋放時間 | Max. 15ms |
重量 | 約4.25kg(約3.8kg) |
※Motor length is measured without shaft.
※Max. holding torque/Max. allowable torque is maintenance torque in stopping the motor when supply the rated current and is standard method for comparing the Performance of motors.
※The weight includes packaging. The weight in parenthesis is for unit only.
※Environment resistance is rated at no freezing or condensation.
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